
Zoltán Simon

C:\> Music

Check out my Soundcloud for synthesized music! Here I will also share the sheets of my compositions.


C:\> Homage to Olivier Messiaen

This piano piece is written using different transpositions of Olivier Messiaen's second mode. In this scale halftone and wholetone steps alternate each other. This is a mode of limited transposition. Only three enharmonically different transpositions exist. As the central idea of my piece, I created upward moving tonal mixtures in this mode.

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C:\> Alfa - Miniatúra alternáló nyolcfokúságban

Check out the midi recording on Soundcloud!

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C:\> Azt az embert, aki féli az Urat

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C:\> Parasztkantáta

Check out the midi recording on Soundcloud!

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C:\> Elsőáldozásra: Variáció egy Beethoven témára

A short piano sketch writen in A major. The piece follows a short sequence of chords based on a composition by Ludwig van Beethoven: Andante favori in F, WoO 57. Please bear in mind that this piece is inferior to the above mentioned masterpiece.

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C:\> Szerda délelőtt / Saturday morning

A short piano sketch writen in G major. This piece is the result of me trying out the new version of the Musescore editor. It depicts the mood of a saturday morning. Fun fact is that the cover of the SoundCloud version of this piece is the result of a shader bug in my volumetric rendering project.

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C:\> Sárga / Yellow

Violin piece in f minor. The theme of this music is the yellow color. In my synesthesia f minor has strong yellow color. I apologize for the poor quality of the MIDI recording!

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C:\> Exams

Music for symphonic orchestra. I wrote this symphonic piece during a long night when I should have been studying for my upcoming exam. (Luckily I passed the exam.)

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C:\> Observer (album)

An album of 13 synthesizer tracks. This album is a collection of various genres ranging from chiptune to ambient. I wrote these pieces in various different periods of my life. Then there was a moment when I thought that maybe releasing them collected into a single album is a good idea. The narrative for this album imagined by me is that we as listeners observe the miraculous creation of the universe. We are right there when life is being created! Than UFO-s come to the scene and trust me, they party hard... Finally our journey ends with the pinnacle of genesis: Zoltán Czirkos, my former programming teacher at the uni. By listening to his beat you can live through the feeling of his lecture. You can find here upbeat and funny compositions but also melancholic pieces.

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